Transport in Nood


Transport in Nood B.V.

Transport in Nood can process personal data about you since you make use of the services of Transport in Nood BV, and/or because you yourself provided them when completing a contact form on the website of Transport in Nood BV. Transport in Nood BV can process the following personal data: – Your first name and surname – Your company name – Your address data – Your telephone number(s) – Your email address – Your IP address and all the data we need for the services provided to you and their financial settlement.

Why does Transport in Nood bv need data

Transport in Nood BV processes your personal data to be able to contact you by telephone if you ask us to and/or to approach you in writing (by e-mail and/or by mail) if we cannot reach you by telephone. In addition, Transport in Nood BV may use your personal data within the framework of executing an agreement entered into with your, or due to a legal obligation.

How long does Transport in Nood bv keep the data

Transport in Nood BV does not keep your personal data for longer than strictly necessary to achieve the purposes for which your data is collected or is required by a legal obligation. Your data is not kept for longer than a year if no agreement is entered into with you.

Sharing with others

Transport in Nood BV only shares your personal data with third parties if this is necessary for the execution of an agreement with you or to meet a legal requirement.

We use cookies on our website. A cookie is a small text file that is stored on your computer, tablet, smartphone or other device when you visit a website. Cookies are often used to make websites work or work more efficiently. We do not use cookies to track you personally or to identify you. We use session cookies to keep track of the login sessions of visitors to our website. You can set your internet browser so that it no longer stores cookies. In addition, you can also delete all information previously stored via your browser settings. Please note that you may not have full access to all functionalities of this website.

Charting website visits

General visit data is tracked on the website of Transport in Nood BV, including the IP address of your computer and the time of retrieval and data that your browser sends. This information is used to analyse visitor and click behaviour on the website. Transport in Nood BV uses this information to improve the functioning of the website. This is information is anonymised as much as possible and is not shared with third parties.

Google analytics

Transport in Nood BV uses Google Analytics to track how users make use of the website and how effective the Transport in Nood BV Adwords advertisements are in Google search result pages. Transport in Nood BV has not given Google consent to use Analytics information obtained via Transport in Nood BV for other Google services.

Access to, update or remove data

You have the right to access your personal data, to correct or remove it. You can send a request for access, correction or removal to Transport in Nood BV will react to your request as quickly as possible, but in any case within four weeks.


Transport in Nood BV takes the proception of your data seriously and has taken appropriate technical and organisations measures (GDPR General Data Protection Regulation) to avoid abuse, loss, unauthorised access, publication and alteration. Transport in Nood BV’s website makes use of a reliable SSL Certificate to guarantee that your personal data cannot fall into the wrong hands. If you have the impression that your data is not properly secured or there are indications of abuse or if you would like more information about the protection of personal data collected by Transport in Nood BV, please contact Transport in Nood BV.

meer informatie

If you have the impression that your data is not properly secured or there are indications of misuse, or if you would like more information about the security of Transport in Nood B.V. collected personal data, please contact Transport in Nood B.V. via is a website of Transport in Nood B.V.
Transport in Nood BV can be reached as follows:

Postal address: PO Box 23522, 1100 EA, Amsterdam.

Business address: Flevolaan 27G, 1382 JX, Weesp.

Chamber of Commerce number: 34318509

Phone: 085 071 9600